South West Apprentices elected Leeuwin Crew

On the last voyage of the Leeuwin 2017/18 season, Group Training South West generously provided sponsorship for two apprentices to […]

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Leeuwin Committee Welcomes Diversity

Leeuwin Ocean Adventure welcomes a new seven day voyage, Future Connect, in 2019 to celebrate Western Australia’s diversity and encourage inclusiveness in […]

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Mid West Ports Announce Leeuwin Sponsorship

This month, Mid West Ports have generously provided part sponsorship for two young people from the Mid West region for […]

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Sincere appreciation to Kailis

This month, we would like to express sincere appreciation to Kailis for their generous donation of Kailis Antheia Earrings for our […]

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This April, the Navy generously refurbished an old generator for Leeuwin Ocean Adventure recognising the potential for training purposes at […]

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Geraldton youth take on the Leeuwin

On one of the Geraldton Leeuwin voyages for the year, three participants from Geraldton Flexible Learning Centre have taken on […]

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Maritime Industry Ball Event Partners Announced

The Maritime Industry Ball in support of Leeuwin Ocean Adventure will be held on Saturday 30 June and is set […]

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Perth Young Leader sails north

In March 2018, Simona Rocca (15) from Bayswater was selected as the Halogen National Young Leaders Day winner and has […]

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Acknowledging Malgana Culture

Malgana woman, Bianca McNeair, from Gatharagudu (Shark Bay) has been invited onboard Western Australia’s own tall ship STS Leeuwin II […]

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Singapore IB Global Conference

In the last week of March, Leeuwin International Community Engagement Officer Esther Vos-Poiesz attended the IB Global Conference in Singapore. […]

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