Northam local expresses gratitude to Woodside

Jack Walls (front row, right) along with Woodside Marine Career Scholarship recipients on STS Leeuwin II for their Youth Explorer Voyage 1806.
In March, Jack Walls (15) stepped off his youth development voyage onboard STS Leeuwin II in Fremantle with a new perspective on life.
The Northam local was successful in his Woodside Marine Career scholarship application based on his desire to enter into the maritime industry and his passion for fishing.
Jack completed his week onboard where he made new friends and developed his teamwork, communication and leadership skills to take with him into his future.
Jack explains his favourite moment.
“My favourite part was when I climbed the main mast and looked out and I could see Rottnest, Fremantle and blue water. That made me think about how grateful I am to be here,” he says.
Jack challenged himself by climbing the 33m main mast and sailing through the night where he reflected on this opportunity.
“From the beginning of the voyage to the end I can honestly say I am a different person,” he says.
“I have learnt so much and the best thing is I am taking all the knowledge with me and passing it on to more people so they can experience what I just did.”
Jack’s Grandfather, John Hart appreciates what this experience gave Jack.
“Our most heartfelt thanks that Leeuwin has provided a chance for our grandson to learn and experience a once in a life time opportunity that we can only hope will open a new door for his future. It will be up to us and him to reap the greatest benefits from the Leeuwin’s graciousness,” he says.
Woodside Marine Career scholarships are currently available to cover up to $1,500, leaving $800 (min) to be covered by the recipient or other sponsors for the complete voyage fare.
The scholarship is applicable to Western Australia students aged 14 – 25 and demonstrate an interest in a maritime or marine career– which includes careers as diverse as: Naval engineering; Naval architecture; Marine engineering; Ocean engineering; Shipwright / Boat builder; Marine electrical; Marine mechanical; Marine tourism; Marine biology; Oceanography; Navy; Fishing industry.
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure aims to enrich the lives of young people through adventure, participation and challenge and is funded through a combination of grants, corporate sponsorships and donations by organisations and the general public.
Leeuwin is an award winning provider of personal development and leadership programs providing key life skills for young people aged 14-25 to take into their studies, careers and communities.