Shire of Harvey and the Leeuwin
On Tuesday 30 January, Leeuwin CEO Carol Shannon took to the road to celebrate the 30 year partnership between the Shire of Harvey and Leeuwin Ocean Adventure.
Each year, the Shire of Harvey’s Community Sail Training Trust Committee calls for applications for local youth 15 – 25 to apply for a part-scholarship. The scholarships are funded through a number of local Harvey organisations and offer each recipient a full 7-day youth development voyage onboard the STS Leeuwin II. Applicants are asked to pay a minimum of $400 towards the experience.
Ms Shannon met for an afternoon tea presentation at Australind Shire Chambers with Shire of Harvey Councillors and 2017 Scholarship recipients.

Image: Shire President Cr Tania Jackson with 2017 scholarship recipient Tara Boyhan (17).
In 2018, Leeuwin Ocean Adventure hopes to further celebrate their ongoing community partnerships.
Carol Shannon, Leeuwin CEO, explains the appreciation the Leeuwin has for these groups.
“Following our 30th Anniversary celebration in 2016, we have really focused on our community partners (both metropolitan and regional) who have supported us over the years,” she said.
“The Shire of Harvey and Leeuwin share a common goal for the youth – one of participation, adventure and challenge.”
“We hope to continue this long-standing partnership in 2018 and beyond and want to express our gratitude to the Shire for their support, and their unwavering belief in our award-winning youth development program.”
The partnership with Shire of Harvey is one of many and the Leeuwin team support the process with ongoing communication for participants from application right up to when the participants board the voyage and even further if they decide to return as volunteers.
Community partners also receive invites to Leeuwin events, monthly e-newsletter Leeuwin Lines, receive the Annual Report and are welcome to a first round pick of Corporate Hire dates.
If your organisation is interested in supporting Leeuwin Ocean Adventure, please call the office on (08) 9430 4105 or email today.